Worth Village Church 100 Club

The PCC has organised a 100 Club to raise money for St Peter and St Paul Church in Worth. This is a private lottery and it is open to all residents of Worth and the surrounding area. Family and friends are welcome to join too. As a private lottery, participants need to be invited to join. Invitation packs have been distributed to all homes in Worth and additional packs are available in the church entrance.

You must be aged 16 years or over to take part in the monthly draw. There is a monthly prize of £100 to be won.

The first draw of the 100 Club took place on Sunday 3rd October 2021 after the Eucharist Service in St Peter and St Paul in Worth. Further monthly draws will take place on the first Sunday of each month after the service.

Winning numbers and names (with permission) will be published on this website and individuals will be informed in person or by email.

Please note, membership can begin at the start of any calendar month


July 2024: Eve Kelly: ticket number 152

June 2024: Gary Vowles: ticket number 131

May 2024: Malcolm and Vivienne Browne: ticket number 186

April 2024: Caroline Bryant: ticket number 162

March 2024: Mark Hillyard: ticket number 169

February 2024: Peter Hobbs: ticket number 116

January 2024: Annie Ainsley: ticket number 168


December 2023: David Jarvis: ticket number: 145

November 2023: Andrea Kelly: ticket number 137

October 2023: Geoffrey Illsley: ticket number: 101

September 2023: Deborah Bernardes: ticket number 127

August 2023: Brian Webb: ticket number 120

July 2023: David Robinson: ticket number 114

June 2023: Revd Howard Pashley: ticket number 191

May 2023: Debbie Van Blommestein: ticket number 175

April 2023: Geoff Cox: ticket number 153

March 2023: Lesley Merryweather: ticket number 181

February 2023: Peter Hobbs: ticket number 116

January 2023: Jean Bean: ticket number 128


December 2022: Carol Gray: ticket number 138

November 2022: Diane Checksfield: ticket number 108

October 2022: David Robinson: ticket number 114

September 2022: Michael Hill: ticket number 111

August 2022: Mike Lambourne: ticket number 160

July 2022: Revd Howard Pashley: ticket number 191

June 2022: Pat Cooper: ticket number 171

May 2022: Winner wishes to withhold name: ticket number 144

April 2022: Andrea Kelly: ticket number 137

March 2022: Sara Welham: ticket number 132

February 2022: Gary Vowles: ticket number 131

January 2022: Deborah and Malcolm Bernardes: ticket number 127


December 2021: Sue Bolton: ticket number 182

November 2021: Beverly and Leslie Cousins: ticket number 149

October 2021: Linda and Phil Edwards: ticket number 177