
St Peter and St Paul’s Church is an Anglican (Church of England) Parish Church in the Diocese of Canterbury and the Deanery of Sandwich and is part of the Benefice (joint parishes) with St Clement’s Parish Church, Sandwich, Kent.

The Parish Church has been serving the Christian community in the village of Worth for over 800 years and continues to be its spiritual heart for worship and service today.

We look forward to welcoming you


For all enquiries on church matters,

please contact the Rector, Revd Sebastian Hamilton

by email: [email protected] or telephone: 01304 746033



July, August and September Services 


Sunday 7th July 2024

Parish Communion at 9.30 am

Officiant: Revd Sebastian Hamilton

Organist: Julian Sampson


Sunday 4th August 2024

Parish Communion at 9.30 am

Officiant: Revd Sebastian Hamilton

Organist: Stefan Catto

Preacher: Ordinand Joe Grogan


Sunday 1st September 2024

Parish Communion at 9.30 am

Officiant: Revd Howard Pashley

Organist: Julian Sampson

Refreshments will be served after the above services

and the monthly draw for 100 Club will take place

All are very welcome to attend


Easter Sunday 2024


Advent Sunday 2023


A Remembrance Day Service

was held on

Sunday 12th November at 10.00 am

Officiant: Revd Howard Pashley

Organist: Julian Sampson

followed by

wreath laying at War Memorial at 11.00 am

Thanks to everyone who made this a memorable occasion



Harvest Festival Communion

took place on

Sunday 1st October 2023 at 9.30 am

We were delighted to welcome the new rector,

Revd Sebastian Hamilton to officiate

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                                                                              Blessing the Harvest gifts

                                                   For more photos, click on news and events or services .

For a detailed list of forthcoming services, please click on services link above

The Institution of the Reverend Sebastian J. M. Hamilton,

as Rector of the benefice of the parishes of Sandwich and Worth

was conducted by Bishop The Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover

and the Induction by The Venerable Darren Miller, Archdeacon of Ashford

at St Clement’s Church in Sandwich.

on Sunday 17th September 2023 at 3 pm with Choral Evensong.

Secrets of St Peter and St Paul’s Church Tours

were held on Sunday 18th June 2023.

Many thanks to the guides, volunteers and visitors who made this an interesting and successful fundraiser

for the St Peter and St Paul Worth Preservation Trust.

Please click on news and events page for more photos

The church is open between 10 am and 4 pm

each day for private/individual prayer