Remembrance Sunday 2017

Our Remembrance Service was held on Sunday 12th November 2017 in St Peter and St Paul Church at 10 am.  The service was conducted by The Revd. Dr. Jeanne Males and we were delighted to welcome members of the congregation, and friends from the Worth Parish Council and from the Village Hall Management Committee.

Special thanks to Jeanne Males,  Andrew Larner, our organist, and to Carol and Michael Attenborough for providing refreshments in their home after the service had ended.

We were joined at the War Memorial by villagers and Trustees from the St Peter and St Paul Preservation Trust.  Thanks to Miriam Bull who laid a wreath on behalf of the Worth Parish Council, and to Annie Simmons who presented a wreath on behalf of the Parochial Church Council.

Thanks also to Jeanne, Miriam and to Howard Holroyd who paid tribute to those who have given their lives for us.

Harvest Festival

Our church was decorated beautifully for our Harvest Festival Communion Service on Sunday 1st October 2017.

Many thanks to our hardworking flower team, especially Anne Sole and Gill Holroyd, and to John and Janet Bradley for the apples.





The St Peter & St Paul patronal Church service

This year the annual “patronal” Church service in celebration of the feast of St Peter & St Paul will be held at Worth Church on Sunday 25th June at 6.30 pm.

 The service will take the form of Choral Evensong with Julian Samson leading the Choir of St Clement’s, Sandwich.

 Bishop Michael Turnbull, previously Bishop of Durham, will give the address.

Refreshments will be served afterwards


Vestry Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Vestry Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting

will be held on Wednesday 19th April 2017

in St Peter and St Paul Church in Worth at 7.00 p.m.

All are very welcome to attend.

The Advent Carol Concert

The Advent Carol Concert directed by Matthew Raisbeck and sung by The Bourne Consort on Sunday 11th December 2016 was a great success. The choir performed music to an appreciative audience of over seventy guests who enjoyed refreshments and fellowship after the concert. £320 was raised for church funds.

Thanks and appreciation to Howard Holroyd for his time and commitment in organising the enjoyable evening.