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For all enquiries on church matters,

please contact the Rector, Revd Sebastian Hamilton

by email: or telephone: 01304 746033


With thanks to Reverend Sebastian Hamilton, officiant; Julian Sampson, organist,

Sue Austin and Janet Bradley, flower arrangers;

the congregation and everyone who made this Sunday an enjoyable event

Advent Sunday Service of Lessons and Music

With thanks to Revd Sebastian Hamilton, officiant,

Julian Sampson, choir master, Robert Tapsfield, organist, the choir of St Clements,

the readers and congregation,

Sue and Lance Austin for sides duties,

John and Annie Simmons for wine, Angela Frewin for food

and Carol and Michael Attenborough for their support.

Remembrance Sunday 2023

Grateful thanks to Reverend Howard Pashley, officiant, Julian Sampson, organist,

the flower arrangers, Mrs Bean for the Remembrance soldier, and

Carol and Michael Attenborough for serving refreshments at their home

Harvest Festival Communion

was held on

Sunday 1st October 2023

We were delighted to welcome our new rector,

Reverend Sebastian Hamilton to the parish of Worth

Sebastian blessing the harvest gifts

The Institution of the Reverend Sebastian J. M. Hamilton,

as Rector of the benefice of the parishes of Sandwich and Worth

was conducted by Bishop The Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover

and the Induction by The Venerable Darren Miller, Archdeacon of Ashford

at St Clement’s Church in Sandwich.

on Sunday 17th September 2023 at 3 pm with Choral Evensong.

Secrets of St Peter and St Paul’s Church Tours

were held on Sunday 18th June 2023.

Many thanks to the guides, volunteers and visitors who made this

an interesting and successful fundraiser

for the St Peter and St Paul Worth Preservation Trust.

Tour guides: Lance Austin and John Simmons

Five tours inside and outside the church took place which gave visitors the opportunity to discover the history of St Peter and St Paul Church from when it began as a Chapel of Ease in the 12th Century until today as the parish church of Worth.

Items of silver and glass and church records from mid 18th century, which belong to the church of St Peter and St Paul are usually deposited with the Canterbury Cathedral Archive and Library for safe keeping.

The PCC wishes to thank Cressida Williams, Archives and Library Manager for Canterbury Cathedral for allowing it to have these items on loan for the church to share with visitors.

Some examples (photos by kind permission of Annie Simmons)

Chalice/communion cup, sterling silver, dated 1718.

Inscription: Worth in Kent

Flagon, sterling silver, dated 1748.

Inscription: Deo Servatori

Salver, sterling silver, dated 1768

Inscription: The Parish of Worth in Kent

Flagon, sterling silver and glass, dated 1881. Inscription: The Parish of Worth in Kent

More photos to follow by courtesy of Julie Elmes – many thanks from the PCC

Coronation of King Charles III on Saturday 6th May 2023

The church bells of St Peter and St Paul rang out at 10.00 am to celebrate

Thanks to our volunteer bell ringers

Vestry Meeting And Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2023

was held on Wednesday 26th April 2023

at St Peter and St Paul Church at 7 pm.

Thank you to everyone who attended

Remembrance Sunday 2022

With thanks to Revd Howard Pashley, officiant,

Julian Sampson, organist,

Carol Attenborough, floral arrangements,

Jean Bean, creating the soldier

A Farewell Tea Party for Reverend Canon Mark Roberts was held in the Parish Hall

on the afternoon of Saturday 24th September 2022

The St Peter and St Paul Worth Preservation Trust

held a fundraiser in the church on the evening of 24th September 2022.

We were delighted to welcome the Thanet Male Voice Choir.

The Book of Condolence has now been removed from the church

and is in the safekeeping of Worth Parish Council (30th September 2022)


Proceeds in aid of St Peter and St Paul Church

This took place on Sunday 12th June 2022

The Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen

was celebrated with a special service

on Sunday 5th June 2022

Church open for private and individual prayer

Open Church resumed on Sunday 2nd February 2022

The church is open for private/individual prayer

from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm daily

A full risk assessment had been carried out.

The Parochial Church Council of St Peter and St Paul has agreed to resume Eucharist services on the first Sunday of each month from 4th April 2021 onwards. Please see Services page for latest information.

Sunday 26th June 2022 at 6.30 am 

Patronal Evensong with the Choir of St Clements

Followed by wine and nibbles

All are very welcome

Remembrance Sunday 14th November 2021

Harvest Festival 3rd October 2021

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY: 8th November 2020

There will not be a church service this year due to the latest Covid-19 guidance from the Government. However, wreaths will be laid at the War Memorial in Worth, following a 2-minute silence at 11.00 am. Representatives from the Parochial Church Council and the Worth Parish Council will lay the wreaths.

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